OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) and QLED (Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes) are both popular display technologies used in modern TVs. But which one is better? In this article, we will compare OLED and QLED and answer people’s common questions about these technologies.

Difference between OLED and QLED

OLED is a display technology that uses organic compounds to produce light. Each OLED TV pixel can emit light, resulting in deep blacks and high contrast. OLED TVs are also very thin and flexible, which makes them ideal for curved designs.

QLED, on the other hand, uses quantum dots to produce light. Quantum dots are tiny semiconductor nanocrystals that emit light when an electric charge is passed through them. QLED TVs are brighter than OLED TVs and can reproduce more accurate colors.

Is OLED Better than QLED

Black Level and Contrast

Regarding the black level and contrast, OLED TVs are the clear winner. OLED TVs have infinite contrast ratios because each pixel can be turned off completely, resulting in perfect blacks. In comparison, QLED TVs have limited contrast ratios because the backlight behind the quantum dots can still produce some light, even dimmed.

Color Accuracy

QLED TVs have an advantage over OLED TVs in terms of color accuracy. QLED TVs use quantum dots to produce colors, which are more accurate and stable than the colors produced by OLED TVs. QLED TVs also have a wider color gamut, which means they can reproduce more colors than OLED TVs.


QLED TVs are brighter than OLED TVs, making them better suited for bright rooms or environments with many windows. This is because QLED TVs use a backlight to produce light, which can be very bright. On the other hand, OLED TVs are limited by the brightness of their individual pixels.

Viewing Angle

OLED TVs have a better viewing angle than QLED TVs. OLED TVs produce the same brightness and color at all angles, making them ideal for large rooms or environments where people will be watching from different angles. In comparison, QLED TVs can look washed out or have reduced color accuracy when viewed from the side.


Burn-in is a common issue with OLED TVs, where a faint but permanent ghost image can appear on the screen over time. This occurs because OLED pixels can degrade over time if the same image is displayed for an extended period. QLED TVs are not affected by burn-in because they use a backlight and quantum dots, which do not degrade over time.


The lifespan of an OLED TV is usually shorter than the lifespan of a QLED TV. This is because OLED pixels can degrade over time and lose their brightness, resulting in permanent image retention or burn-in. In comparison, QLED TVs do not have this issue and can last several years without any problems.


OLED TVs are typically more expensive than QLED TVs. This is because OLED is a more complex and expensive technology than QLED. However, as the technology improves and becomes more widely adopted, the price of OLED TVs will likely decrease.


OLED and QLED are two different technologies used in creating television displays. Both have unique strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on your personal preferences and needs. OLED displays have excellent contrast, deep blacks, and fast response times, making them ideal for dark room viewing and fast-paced games. QLED shows have high brightness levels, vivid colors, and low motion blur, making them suitable for bright room viewing and games with fast graphics. Ultimately, the choice between OLED and QLED will depend on your personal preferences, budget, and the types of content you will be watching.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is OLED?

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) is a technology used to create television displays. It uses organic materials that emit light when a current is applied to create images on the screen.

What is QLED?

QLED (Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode) is a technology used to create television displays. It uses quantum dots to produce accurate and vivid colors and is often marketed as a high-end alternative to traditional LED/LCDs.

What is the difference between OLED and QLED?

The main difference between OLED and QLED is how they produce light and color. OLED displays create light directly from the pixels, while QLED displays use a backlight and quantum dots to make a color. This results in differences in image quality, including contrast, color accuracy, and viewing angles.

Which is better for dark room viewing, OLED or QLED?

OLED displays are known for their excellent contrast and deep blacks, making them a great choice for dark room viewing. The individual pixels on an OLED display can be turned on and off independently, allowing for true blacks in dark scenes. QLED displays, on the other hand, rely on a backlight to produce light and do not have the same level of contrast as OLED displays.

Which is better for bright room viewing, OLED or QLED?

QLED displays have a higher brightness than OLED displays, making them a better choice for bright room viewing. QLED displays can produce brighter whites and more vivid colors, making images pop in bright environments. However, this high brightness can sometimes result in washout and decreased contrast.

Which is better for gaming, OLED or QLED?

Both OLED and QLED displays have advantages for gaming. OLED displays have fast response times and low input lag, making them ideal for fast-paced games. QLED shows have high brightness levels and low motion blur, making them ideal for games that require fast and accurate graphics.

Which is better for HDR content, OLED or QLED?

OLED and QLED displays can produce excellent HDR content, but some differences exist. OLED displays have perfect contrast and deep blacks, allowing for a wider range of colors and brightness. QLED displays, on the other hand, have higher brightness levels and more vivid colors, making them ideal for HDR content with bright highlights.

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